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Although eating disorders are not just about food, food is also a rather large part of the recovery process!


First things first, eating disorders are a serious mental illness and they are not just a fad diet gone wrong or an extreme form of dieting.


Eating disorders are also not necessarily all about food, but rather food becomes the tool that sufferers use to focus on in order to avoid the real deep-rooted issues they are facing.


Unfortunately food becomes the enemy through the development of an eating disorder. Those suffering from an eating disorder fall into viciously deep rabbit holes of food obsession, and developing a healthy relationship with food is one of the important battles to fight for in recovery.


This blog decided to post some recipes that represent my journey through recovery. Each recipe represents an important step towards becoming more comfortable with food again.


Although it is still a fight I face everyday, these recipes symbolise my growing healthy attitude to food and nutrition.




Let me know if you try any or have suggestions to make them even better! I am always open to feedback on this blog!





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